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The Power of Automation: Unleashing the Full Potential of Logistics through Artificial Intelligence
Written by Christophe Pennetier
From automation to real-time insights, explore how AI is reshaping logistics, empowering companies to gain a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving industry.
From automation to real-time insights, explore how AI is reshaping logistics, empowering companies to gain a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving industry.
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UK’s fast fashion industry and sustainability
Sustainability is no longer a trend. It’s a giant fixture across our daily business and personal lives, and we all have a part to play.
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El efecto del “día siguiente”
El mercado del e-commerce ha sido uno de los más importantes y con mayor crecimiento a nivel global en los útlimos años.
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Q-commerce: Trend wave or here to stay?
Q-commerce is an evolution from traditional brick-and-mortar and e-commerce models. As e-commerce has changed the playing field for shopping, Q-commerce goes a step further to optimize transactions and delivery times.
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México una de las mejores opciones para Nearshoring en Norte América.
Con la llegada del COVID-19 se vieron incrementados los problemas en las cadenas de suministro.
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Cross-Border and the Middle Mile: How Supply Chain Technology Helps
By leveraging digitalization and data for capacity optimization and faster customs clearance, supply chain technology can do for cross-border shipping what it does for the middle mile.
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Data, Interconnectivity, and the Human Element in Digital Supply Networks
Defined as a flexible, matrix-like structure that reinvents the traditional linear supply chain by enabling all partners and processes involved to share data with each other freely, the digital supply network (DSN) represents the next evolutionary step for supply chains.
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