#6: Building the Data Bridge Across E-commerce’s Supply/Demand Gap

It’s certainly been a game-changing year for e-commerce. Major consumer behavior shifts, unforeseen surges and swings in demand, and under-prepared supply chain infrastructure have created a host of new logistics challenges–along with a host of new opportunities.
Thriving in the new normal demands full visibility of every supply chain player, and every milestone from first-mile pickup to last-mile delivery. But in a logistics landscape still riddled by fragmented technology systems, data silos and manual processes, how can supply chain operators work towards the agility and resilience they need?
In this insightful webinar, hear directly from key leaders, including:
- Noman Ali, Supply Chain Talks Founder & CEO
- Darach Ellison, Rakuten Strategy and Operations Director
This panel is hosted by Quincus Chief Revenue Office, Olivier Adam.
Key Takeaways:
- The pandemic has upended perceptions of the supply chain.
- E-commerce players must adapt to developing markets.
- Data on product availability and customer behavior is critical.
- The future of e-commerce logistics is micro.